Artwork Submissions Policies and the Adjudication Process
**Any files not submitted in the proper format will be returned to the sender for correction.**
Submission of artwork to the All-State Art Symposium is open to all high school students (public and private) studying with teachers who are current GAEA members.
For GAEA membership, teachers can join online now. GAEA membership automatically makes you a member of NAEA.
The online submission portal opens on Monday, October 07, 2024.
High school art students compete at three adjudication levels: High School, District, and State.​
Submissions: All submission files: [Student first and last name][Number of submissions]-[High school initials]-[D and district number]
For example, Jane Doe from Washington High School in District 2 would submit her two files as
**Any files not submitted in this format will be returned to the sender for correction.**
High School Level: Each school is restricted to up to 20 individual artwork submissions, so teachers from the same school should coordinate submissions. Schools submitting more than 20 artwork will be required to resubmit.
District/Regional Level: Up to 33% of all artwork submitted by each district will be chosen by the district judge as "District Finalists" and will move to the state-level adjudication.
State Level: All artwork selected as District Finalists will be eligible for consideration by the state judge to become "State Winners." State winners will be invited to exhibit their work at the 2025 All-State Art Symposium at Piedmont University's Smith Williams Building on the beautiful Piedmont Campus.
Levels and Awards:
District Finalists advance to state-level adjudication.
State Winners advance to the exhibition.
All EXHIBITING "State Winners" will be considered for awards by the state judges. Award winners and their teachers will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony during the All-State Art Symposium.
Submission, Notification, and Exhibition
Teacher-Level Adjudication and Submission: Instructions on how to enter artwork through the online submission site are available at the submission portal.
Notification of Selected Works: All-State District Finalists will be notified by their teachers after district jurying. All state winners will be notified and invited to the exhibition by their teachers after state jurying.